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Vaginal discharge is a mucous that is excreted from the vagina, that can vary in smell, texture and color. The smell can be neutral or have an unpleasant odor. The color can vary from white to cream, yellow and even greenish colored mucous, that is usually thick in texture if the pH of the vagina and the vaginal flora are imbalanced. Whitish odorless discharge is simply an indication that the vagina is flushing out excessive dead mucous skin cells, which give it a whitish color and thicker texture. This can be cleansed with water on a daily basis by washing the vulva inside, so it wont accumulate. ( see our guide to proper vagina hygiene). However when the discharge  has a yeasty or fishy smell, it is an indication that the cause of the discharge is a bacterial infection (bacterial imbalance) such as Bacterial Vaginosis, when the discharge has a fishy smell or a vaginal yeast infection (Candida), when the discharge has a yeasty smell.





A bacterial imbalance occurs when the unwanted bacteria outweighs the good bacteria in the vaginal flora. The intimate flora is a very sensitive microorganisms and a bacterial imbalance can be caused by various things, such as bad hygiene, wrong hygiene, sexual intercourse, drugs & medication or as a reaction to substances and foreign objects that are being introduced into the vagina. 



Let’s examine each of the reasons individually and look at some of the things you can do to prevent a bacterial imbalance and natural remedies that help to alleviate these symptoms.


Bad hygiene is different from wrong hygiene and occurs when a woman doesn’t wash her vulva on a regular basis to eliminate any unwanted bacteria and dead skin cells. Dead skin cells are always a breeding ground for bacteria, especially in a moist environment. We are familiar with smelly feet that occurs when the soles of the feet are covered with excessive dead callus and are sweaty. This creates a perfect breeding ground for odor causing bacteria that will begin to inhabit and decompose the dead skin. Most women are unaware that they have a callus inside of the vulva. This callus naturally sheds on a daily basis and it is important to wash out any dead skin cells with water (ONLY!) when taking a shower. Water is the best solution to cleanse the vulva inside without disturbing the microflora. Just as with smelly feet, excessive growth of bacteria inside dead skin cells, can result in a smelly vagina. 

Bad hygiene also occurs when women do not wash their vulva properly and only focus on the outer area between the labia. Bad hygiene is very often the reason for bacterial imbalances and excessive discharge, as the vagina attempts to flush out the dead skin cells.



Wrong hygiene

Wrong hygiene is very often the cause for Bacterial Vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections (Candida). Some women have the very best intentions and cleanse their vagina thoroughly on a regular basis, however use the wrong products which strip the microflora of the good bacteria and thus cause a bacterial imbalance. Products that cause Bacterial Vaginosis include sower gels and conventional soaps that contain lye (sodium hydroxide). The lye (sodium hydroxide) causes a chemical reaction and imbalance in the vagina’s micro flora, resulting in a fishy smell and discharge as the vagina attempts to flush out the chemical substances. Also douching with synthetic substances irritate the vaginal microflora and may result in Candida (yeast infection)  or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). Water is the best way to cleanse the vagina on a regular basis inside out, without harming the vagina’s sensitive microflora. Use water and a wash cloth to cleanse the are between your labia and the hood of the clitoris while only use clean water to cleanse the vulva and vagina inside (read our guide to proper vaginal hygiene) 


Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse entails the exchange of bodily fluids. Every individual has a unique body chemistry. When 2 human beings interact with each other and exchange bodily fluids it affects the chemistry of the individuals. Some body chemistries match while others offset the body chemistry and a sensitive microflora like that of the vagina can be easily thrown off balance by having sexual intercourse with the wrong partner or by receiving oral sex and coming in contact with the saliva of someone whose pH is off balance and will may offset the pH balance in the vagina. Most people’s bodies are too acidic and will offset your pH balance in the vagina, which in turn may cause an irritation and make it prone to a bacterial imbalances and infections. In addition to many infections including yeast infections can be sexually transmitted. A bacterial imbalance will be noticeable when the vagina produces excessive discharge that has a thick consistency and is smelly. It is important to cleanse the vulva and vagina with a lot of water after intercourse.


Reaction to substances and foreign objects

Reaction to substances and foreign objects that are being introduced into the vagina. 

The vagina is a very sensitive microflora and as a rule of thumb do not introduce into your vagina what you are not comfortable to swallow! The vagina just like the mouth is lined with a mucous skin which is highly absorbent. Considering that the  vagina is located right in the center of your body where the things you insert will be directly absorbed by your mucous skin in the vagina and vulva, while the things you swallow pass through your entire digestive system which acts as a filter. The vagina does not have this filter and therefore it is very important to be very cautious about everything we insert into the vulva. 

  • Condoms are coated with spermicide, a chemical that kills sperms, which may also irritate the sensitive vaginal microflora.  

  • Conventional Tampons contain harmful toxins such as dioxin and bleach, which not only cause irritations  and menstrual cramps, but may also have lasting implications on your health such as fibroids and cysts.

  • Sex toys are often made from highly toxic and cancer generating chemical substances that irritate the intimate flora.

  • Vaginal douches available in the feminine aisle of your local drug store contain chemicals that irritate the sensitive microflora, unless they are 100% organic and contain only natural herbs and flowers.

  • Scented, synthetic vaginal wipes may irritate the microflora

  • Synthetic lubricants can irritate the sensitive microflora all the way up to the cervix.


When the microflora is irritated the vagina will begin to “flush” as a natural reaction a n attempt to restore the microflora and pH balance. The “flushing” will be perceived as excessive discharge and other symptoms associated with bacterial imbalance.

Drugs & Medication


Consumption of synthetic drugs (cocaine, ecstasy, acid) as well as conventional medication (also referred to as drugs) will alter the body’s overall chemistry including that of the delicate vaginal microflora. Many different kinds of medications, from birth control pills to antihistamines, can alter hormone levels, dry out the vagina and affect pH.


After the use of medication such as Antibiotics, it is important to restore the vagina flora. Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria that cause disease, but also the good bacteria you need to maintain a healthy, vaginal pH level.


Bad Diet

A bad unnatural diet causes high blood sugar levels which make you more prone to candida, which are bacteria that feed of things like sugar in your body. If your diet consists mainly of processed foods, candy and packed snacks, such as chocolate bars and crisps then you are very likely to suffer high blood sugar level and an overall acidic body chemistry, which is more prone to infections, growth of cancerous tissue, etc. Make sure to nurture yourself with fresh foods on a daily basis such as organic fruits, salads, vegetables. Avoid alcohol, candy, meat and any other processed foods that your body won’t be able to digest properly and that will rot in your colon and grow candida (meat, processed food) or increase your blood sugar levels (alcohol, candy).






Here are some natural remedies for bacterial imbalances and vaginal infections such (candida/yeast infection) or BV (bacterial Vaginosis) that can help to balance your pH and get rid of vaginal discharge and unpleasant smell: 


Baking Soda

Mix 1 table spoon of organic baking soda in 1 liter of lukewarm water and wash the inside of your vagina with it. Alternatively you can prepare more of the solution and fill in a bigger bowl or bath tub to sit in it while flushing the inside of your vagina with the baking soda solution. It decreases the acidity level in your vagina and eliminate symptoms associated with candida and BV, such as discharge and bad smell.



Fennungreek not only boosts your immune system, it is a traditional herb that has been used by women since antiquity as a natural cure to discharge and various feminine ailments. It is a great natural treatment for BV as well as Yeast infection. You may soak 3 tablespoons of the seeds in 1 liter water overnight and use the liquid to wash your vagina inside out, by using your fingers to flush the liquid inside your vagina while moving your middle or index finger in circular motion. Additionally you may drink 1 glass on an empty stomach.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties. It provides immediate relief if your vagina is dry or itchy. Wash your hands and dip your fingers in the coconut oil and gently rub around the entrance of your vulva ass well as inside of your vulva by inserting the dipped finger and spreading a generous amount of oil inside your vagina.


Coconut Probiotics

Probiotic coconut yogurt or water are a great natural remedy against chronic yeast infections. Probiotics help to naturally balance your vaginal pH by increasing the ‘good bacteria’ and supporting your vagina’s natural protective immune system. You may drink the probiotic coconut water and also wash your vagina inside out with it. You can also consume the probiotic coconut yogurt and lather the inside of your vagina with it to feel immediate relief of the irritations and  symptoms such as itchiness.


Herbal vaginal steams

Vaginal steaming (Yoni steam) is a natural remedy whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs such as piper beetle, mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, lavender, basil, camomile, etc. These herbs have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties. 

Mix the herbs in a pot of water and bring to boil. Immediately remove the water from from the stove and pour into a bowl over which you can squat comfortably. Spread your legs so that the steam can enter your vagina’s mucous skin. Remain there for about 30 mins until water cools down and then wash the inside of your vagina with the remaining water (make sure the temperature has cooled down significantly). 

Secret Ceres

Secret Ceres is a great natural tool to shed off dead skin cells from the vulva, thereby eliminating the vagina’s need to flush out excessive dead mucous skin resulting in discharge.  

Unwanted bacteria often thrive in the warm and most environment of the vulva and topical creams are often unable to tackle chronic yeast infections as the bacteria foster in the deeper layers of the mucous skin.  Shedding off the dead callus in the vulva helps to eliminate unwanted bacteria and prevent unpleasant discharge, vagina odor and bacterial infections such as Candida and BV (bacterial vaginosis), leaving your vagina soft, supple and perfectly clean and odor free. Secret Ceres balances and stabilizes your vaginal pH in a completely natural manner, so you can say ‘good-bye’ to discharge, BV and yeast infections once and for all. 

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